The final guest post in this series is from my real life friend and blog inspiration, Alex, of Inferior Design. She is one in a million and I'm dead chuffed she's my pal! Her blog is full of super interesting home stuffs that makes my room look like a shed. She's a busy lady, about to start her post grad (good luck!) so I'm so thankful she wrote this for me - and you! By this point I'll be gearing up to leave Bali and head on up to South Korea for a bit - keep up to date via my Twitter (@mmargaretssmith) and Instagram (@exxploring).
I ought to be somewhere in Malaysia now... exciting! Keep up to date with my travels via Twitter (@mmargaretssmith) and my Instagram (@exxploring). The third in my series of guest posts is by the lovely Iona, of Iona Blog, who I had the privilege to meet this year at the Scottish Bloggers Valentines party. She is an absolute doll, and the hardest working lady I know (take a holiday, missy!) so I'm honoured she took the time to write this for me, and about a topic I am particularly passionate about also...
Well hopefully as you read this guest post I'll be making my way up to Hanoi, Vietnam! This post comes to you from Hannah, of Tea, Three Sugars. Hannah is another of my favourite bloggers, with the cutest little family ever! She does the most beautiful illustrations and I love her style of writing.
Well, as you're reading this I'm currently conked out on a flight to Bangkok (AGHH) nervous as SHIT. While I'm away, some lovely lovely ladies have written me guest posts to keep you all going, I'll try and update on my travels as much as possible via twitter (@mmargaretssmith) and Instagram (@exxploring). Guest post number one comes from the wonderful and really prrrreeeetty funny Lauren, of The Devil Wears Tartan... She's absolutely one of my favourite bloggers and I'm loving reading her updates on her recent move to London, also... my God I love this movie!